

10 Years of Xposé presenters!

We look back over the changing face of TV3's entertainment programme since it first launched 10 years ago. Do you remember all the famous (and not so famous) faces?!

We’ve counted a dozen full-time presenters on Xposé down the years, and with the dramatic cull of three names from the show in the past week, VIP looks back at all the faces to have graced Ireland’s top entertainment show. We’re not counting the guest presenters who filled in for a day here and there, but honourable mention in that regard goes to Jodi Albert, Michelle Heaton, Pippa O’Connor, Suzanne Jackson, Nadia Forde, Thalia Heffernan, Nicola Hughes, Keith Duffy and Ashley James (phew!) Not forgetting, of course, the TV gold that was Vincent Browne co-presenting with Glenda as an unforgettable April’s Fool in 2015!

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