Conor McGregor and Dee Devlin have been together almost ten years, having met in 2008.
The couple also welcomed their first child Conor Jr in May.
With this, it’s no surprise that many people are asking whether the couple will ever tie the knot.
The Notorious was pressed on this when he appeared on The Late Late Show.
Speaking about his massive earnings, host Ryan Tubridy said: “With all the money you’ll be able to afford a ring for Dee now, which is nice.”
Conor declines the answer the question but laughs awkwardly as the audience cheers.
“I knew I shot myself in the foot there when I said girlfriend,” he said, while dodging the question.

The fighter is currently promoting his new film Conor McGregor: Notorious and will appear on this week’s Late Late show to chat about it.
In the pre-recorded interview, Conor was also asked about the video of him using a homophic slur.
Speaking to Ryan about the incident he said: “I meant no disrespect to nobody of the LGBT community. I didn’t mean no disrespect. You’d swear I was screaming at two people of the same sex kissing.
“I campaigned, when we were trying to get same sex marriage legalised, I was campaigning for that.
“It is another one where things just get blown out and they love to just, any chance they get they love to throw me under the bus. It is what it is. I’ll just say sorry for what I said and that’s it and try to move on from it.”
The full interview airs tonight (Friday) on the Late Late show on 9.35pm.