The Toy Show is one of the best nights of the year!
In recent years, the show has become so much more than just toys as they launched The Toy Show Appeal in 2020 to raise money for children across the country in need.
Viewers donate in their droves as the spirit of Christmas kicks in as they watch the tots tell their stories.
And this year was no different with the fund raising €3.8 million.

Yes over the weekend almost €4 million was raised for Irish charities, bringing the total to a staggering €17 million since its inception in 2020.
Ryan Tubridy was absolutely blown away with the generosity of the Irish public, saying: “Friday night was a joy to be part of and that is exactly what I was, I was part of a big Toy Show family gathering. That is to say, people working behind the scenes and the children who participated. The reaction has been very gratifying and very heartening.
“I just got the sense that people wanted a night off from reality, they wanted a night to smile, laugh and cry together. People of all ages got something from this bizarre, beautiful show so I really want to say thank you to everyone for putting it together, for being part of it and for watching it. Happy Christmas to one and all.”