Conor McGregor donates a whopping €50,000 to charity!

While he may splurge on luxurious items for himself and his family every now and again, UFC star Conor McGregor has decided to put some of his incredible earnings to great use by donating €50,000 to charity. The fighter wants to help with Ireland’s homeless crisis, and is using money from upcoming events and appearances … Continued

Conor McGregor parties in Dublin!

Conor McGregor has been keeping a low profile and training hard since returning to Ireland a couple of weeks ago, but the fighter took a well earned break yesterday and headed to a popular Dublin nightclub. Despite preparing for UFC 194 which is set to take place in December, the MMA star decided to have … Continued

Conor McGregor opens up about his VERY lavish spending

Irish UFC legend Conor McGregor has opened up about his lavish lifestyle – but he says he will never forget where he came from. Before catapulting into worldwide stardom, the Dublin native was a trainee plumber who was also on the dole, struggling to get by. Speaking to The Guardian, the champion fighter said “I never … Continued

When VIP met Conor McGregor and girlfriend Dee!

“Cocky? Me? Hell yeah!” There was a time when the Irish weren’t too fond of the stereotype ‘the fighting Irish’. Ever since Katie Taylor’s monumental success in the 2012 London Olympics, however, Ireland has once again become proud of the status and, since April of 2013, we have another reason to stand tall. That reason is … Continued

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