George Hook appeared on the Late Late Show, and his interview certainly got people talking!
The broadcaster previously said that Johnny Sexton should retire following a concussion from playing rugby, but the sports star hit back and insinuated that George didn’t even believe his own comments. George went on, and threatened to sue Johnny Sexton, but last night revealed that he regrets his actions.
“I absolutely regret what I did. There’s a situation when you’re angry, when you’re hurt, and when you’re offended you should really count up to 10, but I didn’t get past one. I struck out because I felt it was against everything I hold dear,” he said last night.

George went on to make further comments on sports injuries, saying, “If I tell lies about brain damage in the Rugby Union that may lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s, suicide, drug abuse, domestic violence, then I am a charlatan.
“And if I am a charlatan, I should be drummed off the national airwaves and the national newspapers. If I stay silent, who speaks for Sarah Chester and Lily Partidge, the two women who died in the last 12 months after playing rugby.
“This is the most important thing I have ever done in my life, and I won’t be silenced.”
Viewers were quick to take to Twitter and comment on his impassioned speech, but while some were impressed with him, others felt the tone of his delivery was too aggressive to get his point across.
Watch the interview for yourself here: