Rosanna’s husband gets done for speeding, in Mauritius!

We’ve been kept well aware of Rosanna Davison’s traditional Christmas family holiday in Mauritius, as the former Miss World has been posting regular photographs of herself lapping up the sun in a bikini. But while Rosanna has been taking it easy by the beach, it seems that hubby Wes couldn’t resist a bit of what … Continued

Rosanna gets glammed up for her debut book launch this evening – which of course has a VERY healthy theme!

Rosanna Davison is putting the finishing touches to her big book launch this evening, which kicks off in House, Leeson Street. The foodie model is putting the #GlutenGate controversy behind her and is looking forward to the evening, which is expected to see support from her showbiz pals. Rosanna has already had her hair and … Continued

Rosanna Davidson finally responds to #GlutenGate

Rosanna Davison has released a statement following a string of criticism for her controversial gluten comments in a weekend newspaper column. The former Miss World has caused controversy in the past over her comments about nutrition, and yesterday she landed herself in troubled waters yet again thanks to her latest healthy eating remarks. In an interview to promote her new healthy eating book, … Continued

As Rosanna launches her book, here’s our fave ‘Eat Yourself Beautiful’ inspirations!

Former Miss World Rosanna Davison’s debut cook book, Eat Yourself Beautiful launches tomorrow, and the 31-year-old was showing off her latest project at a book signing in Easons over the weekend. The healthy eating page turner prides itself on Rosanna’s training and nutrition experience from working with clients. The model is not shy about her love for … Continued

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