Bernard Brogan shares gorgeous first pic of twin boys

Bernard Brogan has shared the sweetest picture of his twin boys, who were born earlier this week. The GAA star and wife Keira announced the birth on Tuesday afternoon with a snap of two cupcakes, reading: “It’s a boy.” Now, the Dubliner has opened up about his two tots, revealing he’s overcome with happiness. “Never … Continued

Bernard Brogan reveals gender of his baby with cute pic

Bernard Brogan is expecting his first child with wife Keira very soon. The GAA star announced back in May that the couple were having a baby, due this summer. Speaking recently about the new chapter in their lives, he told the Independent: “I’m really, really excited about starting a family. I got married at Christmas … Continued

Baby on board! Bernard Brogan and wife Keira expecting first child

Bernard Brogan and wife Keira Doyle have announced that they’re expecting their first child together. The couple married in Thomastown Church in December 2016, before enjoying a lavish reception at Mount Juliet Hotel. Sharing the news of their impending arrival, Bernard shared a snap of the loved-up couple enjoying some rare Irish sunshine, and simply said, “Here’s … Continued

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