Rosanna Davison is back to normal life. She had a whirlwind start of the year when she took part in Dancing with the Stars.
Now it’s back to packing lunches, taxiing toddlers around and focusing on her work life again. But dancing will always be a part of her life from now on. She’s even enrolled her three children in dance classes as she knows the benefits of dancing now.
But she laughs it off when we ask if there is any chance she’ll become a stage mum – not a chance!
She’s chatting to us as an ambassador for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland on 65 Roses Day.

Hi Rosanna, how are you?
Everything is good. The kids are back in school after the Easter break which I’m sure parents everywhere are appreciating the more quiet time.
It must be tough to get back into the routine!
On Sunday night, they were wrecked because we were at two different birthday parties. But the next morning it was hard to get everyone up and out. Just remembering to pack the lunch boxes and make sure that the uniforms are clean and get out on time. It’s funny how after a couple of weeks off you forget your routine. It was just nice to get to the supermarket, get some work done and have some peace and quiet. We had a lovely Easter break, but it’s nice to get back to routine.
This is your sixth year as an ambassador for Cystic Fibrosis Ireland, tell us about getting involved.
I don’t have CF and no one in my immediate family has it but I was struck by the statistics. Ireland has the highest rate in the world of adults living with CF. I’m in a position to raise awareness about it and help with their 65 Roses Day on the 12th of April. The public is being asked to buy a rose for €2 to help raise funds for CF research. There is a focus on fertility this year as well, which is something very close to my heart. I’ve spoken about my experience with miscarriages, with surrogacy and with pregnancy with the twins. Part of the fundraising aim this year is to go towards fertility and IVF. Really the main message from them is that they want to have families just as much as anyone else. I can really relate to them.
We have to chat about Dancing with the Stars now! Tell us about getting back to your normal routine after three months in the dance studio.
It was kind of bizarre re-adapting to life again and getting back to my old routine. It was lovely to get back to normality and spend time with my family again. I didn’t have the time or the emotional capacity for children on top of everything. It’s an amazing experience and a lot of fun, but it’s extremely intense. It’s very hard to focus on anything else outside of the dance. It’s harder every week. I miss everyone on the show and the dancing. But it is nice to be back to normal life and to see daylight again. You don’t realise when you’re in the studio that you’re going in when it’s dark and leaving when it’s dark. It was great to dance through the winter months. I’m really delighted that I did it. And it was nice to do something completely outside of my normal life and my mum life. But I haven’t hung up my dancing shoes just yet!

Oh? Where will we see you dancing again?
I am dancing with Stephen this week to launch a collaboration with clothing brand, Human Collection. So we’re going to be discussing the benefits of dancing from a mental and physical health side. It also really helps with confidence. I’ve just enrolled my daughter in dance classes!
So dancing will always be in your life now?
It’s great to learn the basic steps! I can’t do it alone, I still need a dance partner! But I love having dance in my life. My boys do ballet in school and I’ve signed my daughter up for more dance lessons. She was really obsessed with watching me on DWTS. She really loved it. There’s a little performer in her, but she’s only four! I think if I start her young she might get into it. It’s great for confidence building.
It doesn’t matter what age you start dancing, it is a great confidence boost…
I remember dancing my first routine in front of people for the first time and I was so terrified. I told myself that I had to get over myself because I was going to have to do it on national TV! It’s funny to think back and think now that I can go out in front of people and dance. It’s funny how much confidence you can get. It’s not even about being technically perfect, it’s about enjoying it and having fun. I think it teaches you a lot about yourself.
Could we see you becoming a stage mum, Rosanna?
Like Toddlers and Tiaras? [Laughs] I don’t think I’ll be a pushy mum. My own mum made sure to keep us out of the spotlight growing up and I still found it somehow. She was never a pushy mum. I just want to make sure they’re doing something they enjoy. It’s hard to make a child practice or rehearse or go to lessons for something they don’t enjoy. You need to learn what their strengths are and what they’re passionate about, and encourage them in that way.

You and Wes are celebrating 10 years of marriage this year as well. Does it feel like a decade of married life?
Not at all. It feels like five or six. Obviously, the last few years have been a whirlwind with all the babies. We are still enjoying our time together. We have the best time together with everything we’ve done. We still enjoy our time together and that’s the main thing.
Do you have anything nice planned?
I used to be such a big planner. But now with three toddlers it’s hard because they can get sick and plans have to change. We are hoping to go abroad with our family. My dad is playing a few shows in Majorca. So we’re tentatively planning on going there because it’s the same week as our anniversary. At least we’re going with my family so the adult to toddler ratio will be in our favour!
What is it like travelling with three toddlers?
We’ve only travelled once with them. And it wasn’t much of a holiday! [Laughs] We took it in turns to watch them at the toddler pool. They were pretty independent so you just had to watch them. But it wasn’t much of a holiday, we were just doing what we usually do but in the sun! The flight was three hours and it was a lot of Play-Doh, a lot of melted chocolates, they did nap at one point at least! It was a lot of toilet breaks and up and down. But everyone is so kind when you’re travelling with young children. We managed it! The main thing was travelling with a stash of chocolate.
Please support Cystic Fibrosis Ireland on 65 Roses Day – Friday, 12th April by donating online at 65roses.ie or purchasing our purple rose in Dunnes Stores and other participating outlets.