Rory McIlroy has revealed exactly why he decided to play golf with Donald Trump. The Irish golfer came under harsh criticism after playing 18 holes with the US President two weeks ago.
Despite already issuing an apology, the Northern Irish sports star felt it necessary to explain himself again at a PGA Tour press conference, stating that his decision had absolutely nothing to do with politics.
“I was a little bit taken aback by the blowback I received but I get why. I was just doing what I felt was respectful. The President of the United States phones you up and wants to play golf with you, I wasn’t going to say no.
“I don’t agree with everything he says but it is what it is. I’m not an American. I can’t vote. Even if I could vote I don’t think I would have.

“I actually enjoyed myself. I had a good time. I’m sorry if I p***** people off but I felt I was in a position where I couldn’t really do anything but say yes. Respect the office even if you don’t respect the guy that’s in it.
“I just approached it as a round of golf. Putting anyone’s beliefs or politics to one side for a minute, to go there and see 30 secret service and 30 cops and snipers in the trees, it was just a surreal experience for me to see something like that.
“It’s not as if we were talking foreign policy out there. We were talking golf,” he said.