Panti Bliss has issued a security warning to those planning to attend the Pride street party on Saturday.
The drag queen, who owns Panti Bar, took to Facebook to alert her followers.
“Unfortunately, on the advice of the Gardaí, as a security precaution we have to ask you not to bring bags with you to Pantibar’s All Day Pride Street Party on Saturday. Apologies for any inconvenience,” the post said.

Panti Bar shared a similar messaged on Facebook.
It said: “Please leave your bag at home this Pride. Due to added security measures we can not admit customers carrying bags or backpacks. Sorry.”
Pride-goers then asked what kind of bags were allowed at the event.
Panti Bar replied that ‘bum bags/hand bags/man bags are fine. But nothing bigger,’
Heightened security measures issued lately means Gardai are advising that no large bags should be brought to concerts and big events.
So if you’re heading to Pride this weekend or any gigs soon make sure to bring a small bag.