Naomi Clarke, who you may know as The Style Fairy celebrated her birthday this week, surrounded by her family. The fashion influencer shared some snaps of her day to Instagram and also reflected on how much has changed over the past twelve months.
Since her last birthday she has given birth to her third child and looked back on what her birthday wish was last year; “Couldn’t wish for anything more.”
“Was in reeeaaally early stage of pregnancy for last years birthday and I remember wishing for a healthy baby and to please stay with us and look at her. What a year.”
Continuing in a grid post she said; “Another year older. Couldn’t ask for anything more than to be surrounded by this crew.”
Baby Kai is now five months old, after Naomi and her husband, Cormac, welcomed their third girl into their family earlier this year. The couple are already parents to Anabelle Ivy and Luna May.
Recently Naomi spoke about being “kinder” to herself after baby number three, sharing the ups and downs of the early days with a newborn.
The mother-of-three said; “I’m doing good overall I think. Having said that, some days are much harder than others, like any new mammy, there are some days when I think I can’t do this or I can’t cope and everything feels totally overwhelming and I’m not doing good enough at anything, and then days when I feel ok and I feel I’m on top of things.”
“Lots of tears and wobblers over the last few weeks of course, but this time around I know whats normal. I’m trying to be kinder to myself but that’s a work in progress,” she added.