

Martin King opens up about the making of his documentary We Need To Talk About Dementia

martin king, jenny mccarthy
Pic: Evan Doherty for VIP Magazine

Martin King has opened up about why he decided to make his documentary, We Need To Talk About Dementia, after his mother’s death.

Speaking exclusively with VIP Magazine in this month’s issue, he shared that the reason behind the doc was that he wanted to show that even after a diagnosis there can still be positivity and hope.

The presenter shared; “We wanted to acknowledge for people that yes, the end result is not going to be a good result, but there is a lot of living to be done from the diagnosis. That is was what we wanted to convey.”

“I suggested this documentary a short time after my mother passed away. The idea stemmed from the fact that Ireland is an ageing nation and Dementia numbers are constantly rising.”

martin king, jenny mccarthy
Pic: Evan Doherty for VIP Magazine

Continuing he added; “More and more of us are going to know someone within our immediate family group or extended family who has Alzeimhers or Dementia. I just thought it would be a good idea to explore it.”

When VIP sat down with Martin King, it was is mother, Christina’s second anniversary; “I have actually found this year much tougher than the first year. I think in a way you tend to prepare yourself for the first anniversary, you know it’s coming, it arrives, and you’re right back to that day again.”

“But you are getting set for its arrival… there’s some sort of preparation to brace yourself. Whereas in year two, it’s different, it’s quieter, nobody is making a big deal for it. It’s hard.”

martin king, jenny mccarthy
Pic: Evan Doherty for VIP Magazine

Martin’s mother sadly passed away in 2019, from dementia and the family struggled to tell her about their father’s death. Martin Snr passed away just a month prior to Christina, and Martin admits revisiting these memories in the documentary was incredibly tough – but necessary, as he hopes to draw awareness.

“My dad’s fear, all along, when my mother was diagnosed, was that she would forget him. And she did — she did forget him — and that really hurt him. For the love of his life to forget who he was, that broke his heart.”

For the full interview, pick up this month’s issue of VIP Magazine.

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