Marissa Carter has decided to return to social media after over three months of a break.
The businesswoman and tan guru shared a photo of herself on stage at an event and revealed that she learned a lot from her online hiatus.
“For someone who spent so much time using social media, I can’t believe I was able to give it up almost entirely for 12 weeks!” she admitted.
The star revealed that she learned five things from the break, and sees social media as a positive and negative tool.
Though Marissa’s account is on private, she has a strong following of over 111k on Instagram.
She began “Here’s what I now know with certainty…
“1. The world doesn’t end when people can’t contact you on social media.
2. You can get a lot more sh*t done when you’re not constantly distracted by your phone.
3. The best friends are the ones who make the time to have coffee with you in real life.
4. Less time spent documenting experiences means more time in the moment enjoying experiences. Quality time with family and friends are enhanced by putting our screens away.
5. Social media is wonderful. It has the power to connect people in a powerful and positive way but – and there’s a big BUT – being over-connected happens easily and it’s important to be aware of how social media impacts your wellbeing, relationships, work output and so many other aspects of life.”
Welcome back Marissa!