Kodaline have revealed that despite getting abuse shouted at them, and nasty under-breath comments directed towards them, the boys take it in their stride as they see it as a sign of success.
The group recalled that all the hate started when they appeared on musical talent competition, You’re A Star, back in 2007.
Speaking to The Sun, Steve Garrigan said, “Even from the You’re A Star thing, we have never chased fame. We have actually ran away from it, for us, it has been all about music.
“But I remember me and Mark were walking through Swords and someone shouted, ‘There’s that band, that s*** band. The bigger you get, the more slaggings you get.”

The group believe that you haven’t really made it in the industry, if you’re not disliked to some degree.
Jay Boland said, “Our best barometer for success is when you get in a taxi at Dublin Airport and how much they give out about you. If they really hate you, you are doing alright.”
They admitted that they are regularly insulted to their face, as people don’t recognise them in person – that’s got to be awkward!

Steve said, “I had an incident a couple of months ago when I got into a taxi.
“He started talking about music so I pretended I was just finished college and I was going to Australia to get a job or something like that.
“Somehow we got talking about music and he mentioned Kodaline and said, ‘I head they are c**ts.’
“I was like, ‘Well you know I’m from Swords and I do know them from school.’ He never copped it.
“I said, ‘I don’t really know them personally, but I have heard stories’.”
The group don’t take too much notice of it, as they’re too busy playing music to dwell on the issue – take that, haters!