This article contains spoilers for the second season of Kin
Have you been keeping up with the second season of Kin?
You’ll definitely want to catch up if you haven’t! Viewers enthused that this week’s show the “best episode ever”.
Well, it was certainly filled with twists and turns!
Turn back as spoilers for Kin are abound ahead!

Viewers were on the edge of their seats as Viking brought Anthony Kinsella along to shoot his friend Kem at the beginning of the episode.
All of this was obviously under the instructions of Bren Kinsella who has made no secret of the fact that he wants to shake up the way the family is run now he is out of jail.
However, all the drama kicked off when Viking returned back home. He reunited with his girlfriend Nikita just as the Gardaí arrived at their home.
Cocky Viking immediately started to give the Gardaí cheek as he inquired as to why they were there.

However, it wasn’t Viking they were after, it was Nikita. She has been keeping her nose out of trouble, well, at least she seemed to be.
“I’m arresting you for soliciting another person or persons to commit murder,” the Garda announced as they took Nikita away!
Viewers were left absolutely gobsmacked as the credits rolled.
Just finished this weeks #KIN
1. 🫣
2. Nikita in the ‘scarlet’ red?!? 🙌🏼 (incredible) but is she red for a reason?!? a scarlet woman! Is she in on it with the guards?! Or am
I overthinking it?!?What an episode…. @RTEOne
— Suzanne Kane (@SuzanneKaneFM) April 16, 2023
Powerful episode of #kin tonight . Bravo to all involved. 👏👏👏
— cathy belton (@CathyBelton) April 16, 2023
What an ending ….. wasn't expecting that. #kin
— Anita (@AnitaWhyteMoran) April 16, 2023
What do they have on Nikita? #kin
— Gavin Crowley (@gavinxcrowley) April 16, 2023
#kin spoilers
that twist tho at the end. was NOT expecting that. great episode today!!— ash (@coxdilf) April 16, 2023
Now that’s a twist #kin
— Gerard Hannon (@rettiwt5463) April 16, 2023
Best episode yet of #RTÉKin. Mesmerising. #Kin
— Philip Nolan (@philipnolan1) April 16, 2023
#kin jaysus plot twist….poor Nikki
Wonder how she'll stand up to questioning
— Brian Tomás Ò hEachach (@Hauzinho13) April 16, 2023
Kin continues next Sunday at 9.35pm on RTE One.