Bernard Brogan has revealed he could be persuaded to take part in Dancing With The Stars, but not until after he retires.
The Dubliner was impressed by his fellow GAA star, Aidan O’Mahony, and wouldn’t rule out a stint on the show down the line.
“I wouldn’t be as good a dancer as Aidan,” he told the Irish Mirror. “You never know. I’ve been approached to do certain things but playing with Dublin, you can’t commit because you’re part of a team environment and you can’t be putting yourself out there too much.
“We’re trying to play on the pitch so you don’t want too many distractions.

“It’s a bit of fun. There’s some craic about it and Aidan had great fun. He entertained a lot of us, and got a lot of slagging I’m sure as well, but that’s part of it.”
The sports star concluded, “Maybe when I retire it could be something.”
Meanwhile, Aidan O’Mahony has exclusively told VIP Magazine who he’d like to see take part in the new series.