Bernard Brogan may be lusted after by half the population of Ireland, but the GAA star only has eyes for his girlfriend Keira Doyle.
The pair have been together for two years, and while Keira works in PR, her passion for sport brings the two closer together.
Speaking to The Sun, Bernard said, “She’s a sport-mad girl. She was a great basketball player and swimmer and loves the GAA and rugby, so she loves the journey. We go to some great matches and have great craic.”
Well done @KeekiD22 on her #swimforamile in 29min, 2nd to finish as well, I’d still be in the pool drowning! pic.twitter.com/0t6BkvkH4z
— Bernard Brogan (@bernardbrogan) May 22, 2015
When it comes to their date nights, the pair keep things very low-key and opt for relaxed, cosy evenings of snuggles at home rather than a night on the tiles.
“Obviously when I’m training there is not much partying or drinking so it’s just normal stuff – cinema and watching films. It’s just nice, no major messing,” he said.

The GAA star added, “We always make time [for each other]. She’s nearly working more than me. We’re two busy professionals, but we always make time at the end of the evening or on the weekends.”
And wedding bells might be on the horizon, as the footballer admits he’d like to get married “at some stage” but goes on to say, “I’m not giving anything away.”
DON’T MISS: VIP’s top 10 Irish GAA hunks