

Irish TikTok star Annalivia Hynds chats wedding planning and motherhood

Annalivia Hynds didn’t expect to garner an incredible 225,000 followers on Instagram and over 300,000 on TikTok when she posted her first video back in 2020.

The 26-year-old from Armagh is the proud mother of three – Robyn, Rhea and Rían. And she just launched her first collection with BPerfect Cosmetics. The collection became the fastest-selling collaboration in the Northern Irish brand’s history.

Annalivia is all go as we catch up with her. She has just come back from Dublin after launching the collection in the city. And she’s en route to Down for a meet and greet as we chat with her.

Hi Annalivia. Have you a second with the collection launching?

It’s been all go. We launched last week and we have more launches around the country this week. And in between that Armagh won the All-Ireland. So it’s been a busy few weeks! I was in Croke Park again on Wednesday because BPerfect are now taking on the sponsorship in the GAA and becoming the Official Diversity and Inclusivity Partner of the Gaelic Players Association. It’s really, really good to see and it was a really good day to be a part of.

Tell us about the collection with BPerfect. Is it a dream come true for you?

It really was. We had been talking about it about a year ago. But you know it’s one thing talking about it and another thing doing it. I never really thought it would happen. When it started happening I was really buzzing but there’s nothing that compares to actually seeing it in real life. Seeing people wearing it and buying it is a bit surreal.

You’re a proud Armagh woman. But we don’t see a lot of influencers from outside the cities. Are you doing it for the culchies?

[Laughs] It’s not as common when you live in a small town. At the end of the day, I’m just being me and posting me. I never think about where I’m doing it from. But it is nice to be from a small town, a small community and doing this. My community and the people around me always support me, so it’s really nice. But I think that for people who do want to get into this job, it’s nice to look at people like me who aren’t from big cities. You can still produce good quality content no matter where you are. You don’t need to be living a big high life in the city, you can be in the sticks and make good content that people want to see.

You do have an incredible community. But the downsides of small towns is everyone is in everyone else’s business. Do you think a lot of people are put off from starting to post on social media because of what other people will think?

I didn’t care about what anyone else thought. At the start, I never posted thinking that this would become my job. I was just doing it for a bit of craic when TikTok first started. I do think that mindset can happen a lot in Ireland but it’s all about getting out of your comfort zone. People will only talk about you when you first start but then they get used to it. So I think, just do it for yourself and not care what other people think.


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Okay, on a happier note – you and your fiancé Ruairí are heading down the aisle next year. You’re getting married in Ireland, so how is wedding planning going?

Wedding planning is going good. We’re very relaxed, very chill people. The wedding is 11 months away but we’re just taking it all in our stride. We’re busy people with careers and children. So at the minute, I couldn’t tell you what needs to be done or what’s happening. But we’re obviously really excited to get married. I don’t really care about the small details and stuff, we’re just happy to get married.

Will your three children, Robyn, Rhea and Rían be involved in the ceremony?

The two girls will definitely be flower girls. Rían will actually be 15 months at our wedding so he could be up and walking by then. So he could be a little page boy or something like that. I don’t know yet. We just have to see what he’s doing. We’re so chill, I haven’t even thought about things like that.

Speaking of, are you in back to school planning yet?

My oldest, Robyn, is starting school in September. But I haven’t started yet, I’ll have to get that sorted this weekend! I’ve just been too busy. But it is an exciting time for her. And exciting for us as well. But she’s our first child so it is a bit emotional as well. But she has to grow her own wings and get out there and make her own friends. I’m just so excited for her. With school you really become your own person and you get to go do football, GAA, Irish dancing. It’ll be good to bring her on and get her out of her comfort zone.

Aw that’s lovely. How are you feeling that your baby is off to school?

At the start I was very emotional but we all have to do it. I’m excited for her more than anyone. It’s not about me, it’s about her, getting in there, making her friends, getting a routine. It’ll be an interesting time for her.

You’re self-employed with three very young children. Tell us about juggling your job and your little ones?

It’s busy and it’s hard. It definitely is hard juggling everything. I am very lucky that the job is flexible, I can make my own hours, I can make my own days. The whole month of September I’ll actually be taking work off to just focus and be there for Robyn with school. It is hard to juggle but I can be flexible which I am very lucky with.

Annalivia you are very busy, so we’ll let you go. But what advice would you tell your younger self?

Relax, chill out! You know you’re only getting older. At every age, you’re living some of the best days of your life. You can’t go back so take it all in. Just enjoy yourself while you can. You worry about all your exams in school and then uni and ladedadeda. It’s just nice to sit back and relax and chill out.

The BPerfect x Annalivia collection products can be purchased separately, or together as a bundle for RRP €105.00/£90.00 (worth over €145.00/£118.00). Shop online, and at BPerfect Megastores and retailers nationwide.

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