Stephanie Davis has finally revealed the sex her child, admitting that she’s having a little boy, and he looks a lot like Jeremy McConnell.
The Irish model previously told TVNow Magazine, that the child isn’t his, however Stephanie begs to differ, especially following her 4D scan, which revealed some striking resemblances between Jez and the baby.
Speaking to OK! Magazine, Stephanie said, “It’s the weirdest and most amazing thing. Even at this stage, our son look just like Jeremy. He’s got his skinny long legs and big ears.
“I got a DVD of the scan and was going to send it to Jeremy, but he decided to have no involvement during the pregnancy, so it’s his loss.
“I went straight to the toilet and cried my eyes out. I’d like to say there were happy tears, but they were tinged with some sadness, because seeing my baby like that, really made it hit home that I’m going to be a single mum.

“I was also a little sad because it’s another milestone in the pregnancy that Jeremy has missed out on.”
While Jeremy wants nothing to do with Stephanie or the baby, she’s still taking him into consideration, especially when it comes to the naming of her son.
The former Hollyoaks actress has decided on the name Albi Patrick Davis, as a nod to both her family, and Jeremy’s.
“I’ll call him Albi after my granddad. I’d like his middle name to be Patrick. It’s my brother’s middle name, and it’s also Irish, so I think it’s a nice nod to Jeremy and his family.”
It’s great to see she’s still taking his feelings into consideration.