

Vogue Williams throws major shade at ex Brian McFadden

The Westlife star won't be getting a phone call of the tv presenter anytime soon!

Brian won't be getting a call from Vogue any time soon!
Brian won’t be getting a call from Vogue any time soon!

Vogue Williams has just thrown major shade at her ex-husband Brian McFadden.

The model and DJ is currently taking part in Channel 4’s The Jump along with a host of other famous faces including; Spencer Matthews, Lydia Bright and Josie Gibson.

Vogue’s ex Brian took part in the snow sport show last year, but she has revealed she won’t be looking to him for any guidance – as he didn’t make it into the final!

“I haven’t [asked Brian for advice]. He didn’t do that well and I’m already a better skier than him so I didn’t need advice off him! I can’t remember how far he got in the competition, he didn’t make the final though, I want to make the final!” she told TVNow magazine.

Vogue has become close with fellow contestant Spencer Matthews on the show.
Vogue has become close with fellow contestant Spencer Matthews on the show.

Vogue also revealed she’s happy being on her own right now, after spending such a long period of her life in relationships – but admits she could abandon her singledom if the right man comes along!

“I wouldn’t say I’m looking for love at the moment, I’m quite happily single.” she said. “I am dating but I’m happy being single right now. I feel like I need it after two really long relationships back to back. I was with Brian for nearly five years and I feel like I need time on my own.

“You never know, Josie and Lydia are both single so we’re going to go out, watch out boys! We’re happy with each other’s company but you never know, one of us could meet someone. Ski instructors are pretty hot.”

Watch this space!

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