Having invested more than €6m in its production, Rebellion is RTE’s most expensive drama ever. So by any standards, it had to be a hit.
Well, the powers that be in Montrose need not have worried, because a whopping 619,000 people turned in to watch the first episode last night, meaning nearly half of everyone in Ireland watching TV at the time was tuned into the show. The drama, which centres on the lives of three young women caught up in the 1916 Rising, stars Charlie Murphy, Ruth Bradley and Sarah Greene, and as well as drawing big viewing figures, it has also been attracting praise on social media, something which often doesn’t necessarily follow!
It was a big night for RTE, as The Voice of Ireland also kicked off with a very healthy 486,000 viewers earlier than evening, with the station also revealing that she aired the most popular show on Irish TV over the Christmas holidays – Mrs. Brown’s Boys on New Year’s Eve – which drew a huge audience of 765,000 people.