Fair City star welcomes baby girl

Fair City star George McMahon has welcomed a baby girl with his girlfriend Rachel Smyth. The actor, who plays Mondo on the popular Irish soap, shared the exciting news on Twitter yesterday. Our baby girl Frankie McMahon. @RachelDancer87 and I are in loveThanks for all your lovely messages. pic.twitter.com/iVQPlJsG4Y — George McMahon (@georgeymac) May 27, … Continued

Here’s why Fair City won’t be on air this Sunday

RTE is straying from its usual schedule, and won’t be airing Fair City this weekend. The soap won’t be shown on Sunday, as a religious documentary will take its place. Countdown to Calvary, which is presented by Hugh Bonneville, will air on Easter Sunday at 8pm. Fair City will continue to be shown as usual next … Continued

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