Ruth O’Neill returned to Ireland following a stint working in LA on the likes of ABC News and E! Entertainment, but the presenter has admitted that the lavish American lifestyle isn’t as great as she once imagined. Her main issue? The dating scene!
While in America, Ruth was completely focused on her career and bettering herself in that sense, however every now and again she would look for someone special, but never really found the right man.
She dated an Irish man abroad, but things didn’t turn out too well for the pair.
Speaking to Evoke, Ruth said, “That ended badly so I’m not going to get into that. But, yeah, I go the whole way to LA to date a Galway boy. I dated loads of Americans, loads of different guys – actors, managers, producers, music producers, Hollywood equity guys, Harvard boys: I dated all sorts!”

She continued, “But of my God, like, everyone is dating five people at the same time so you don’t know where you stand with anyone. There are so many beautiful women and there are so many weird people as well. It’s like being in a bad episode of Sex And The City.”
The presenter admitted that she was completely put off, and would rather see someone over here because they’re much more laid back – and know how to talk to each other.
“I really didn’t want to go on another date with one more guy who said, ‘My therapist says…’ A lot of people in LA are in therapy, but it’s not for traumatic stuff. It’s just like, chit-chat!”

Ruth returned to Ireland earlier this summer and admits that it was mainly based on a personal choice of not wanting to settle down in the US: “I just didn’t see myself marrying an American and having kids there.”
Well now that she’s back in Ireland, lets hope she can find Mr Right!