Rosanna Davison will be bringing even more glamour to Dancing with the Stars on Sunday night.
She can’t help but admit she’s nervous about the dancing, but as she discussed in the January issue of VIP Magazine, she knew the time was right to do it now.
But as we caught up with her once again just before taking to the stage, we wondered is it harder now that she’s in it to leave her little ones at home every day.
She is the proud mother to four-year-old Sophia and three-year-old Hugo and Oscar. But she knows that she needs to let them have their own independence.

“It was a big factor in my decision to do Dancing with the Stars. To be honest, it took me a long time to make the decision!” she admits with a wistful smile.
“It has actually worked out really well in terms of balance at rehearsal and time at home with the kids. The boys started preschool at the end of August, they’re in school from 8:30am to 3pm. So I drop them off and then I go to my rehearsals for 9am until around 2:30pm so then I go to collect them again!
“So far it’s worked out well, I know weekends will be busier with filming and dress rehearsals! But I am secretly enjoying the break from the mum duties and the chaos of toddlers and life at home.”
However, she admits now is the perfect time to take the bull by the horns.

“I just felt like it was the right time for me to step away a little bit. They’re a little bit older, they’re a little bit more independent, they love going to school, they love the extra activities after school. I feel like the timing is right. It’s the perfect antidote to being at home and changing nappies, stuffing little arms into jackets every day. I feel really positive that I’m doing the right thing at the right time. I couldn’t be happier that I made the decision to join the show! It’s been great fun so far.”
We all know about the glitz and glamour of Dancing with the Stars. So is little Sophia delighted?
“She was in heaven looking at the RTÉ promo in the pink sparkly dress. She asked me to do pink nails for the show! So I’m in pink for her,” she laughs.
“She’s very girlie, everything is pink and sparkly! Hopefully I’ll be able to bring them along at some point to one of the dress rehearsals on a Saturday.
“Obviously they wouldn’t be able to watch the show itself. They’re really excited, Sophia in particular! They’re at lovely age that they can really soak it all up and be part of the show.”
DWTS kicks off on RTÉ One at 6:30pm on Sunday