Niamh De Brún was delighted to become a mother for the first time when she welcomed her daughter Harper last year.
However, we all know that parenting is no walk in the park. And Niamh got real about the struggles of motherhood.
She took to Instagram to share her own feelings on motherhood and what she has been dealing with in recent months.
She captioned the list: “Daily thoughts a new mum”.

The list included things like: “Will my baby ever sleep through the night?”, “Will I ever not be tired again?” and “No matter how much prep I did, nothing can prepare you for motherhood.”
Other thoughts included wondering how parents with more than one child coped and how would she manage when she goes back to work.
She also queried: “Will I ever feel like myself again?”
Clearly, her post struck a chord with other mothers around the country.

She shared another Instagram Story that read: “An overwhelming amount of DMs yesterday from moms saying they felt the same which was very reassuring.”
Niamh shared the news on Instagram writing: “A love like no other. Welcome to the world Harper Mary Reid. Born Sunday 20th November, 7lbs 10 oz.”