

Kin’s Aidan Gillen to star in new true crime drama

KinAiden Gillen

Aiden Gillen has joined the cast of six-time Oscar nominee Jim Sheridan’s true-crime drama Re-creation.

Based on one of the most famous murders in Irish history, Re-creation is centred around the murder of French film and TV producer Sophie Toscan du Plantier, who was killed while on holiday at her vacation home in Cork in December 1996.

A local journalist, Ian Bailey, was arrested twice as a suspect for the murder but was released both times due to lack of evidence.

Joining Aidan are two-time IFTA winner Colm Meaney and actress Vicky Krieps.

The film blends documentary and drama elements, with the documentary sections of the production shooting in Ireland, France and the US, and the drama sections of the film shooting on a sound stage in Luxembourg.

It will also question the reality of what happened nearly through the perspective of a jury debating the real-life facts of the case and why nobody was ever convicted or punished in Ireland.

Speaking about the casting choice in a statement, Jim said: “I am delighted to have two icons of Irish cinema join the cast.

While co-writer and co-director David Merriman added: “Colm and Aidan both have starred in some of my favourite films and shows.

“As artists, they both elevate any project, and we are so grateful to have them onboard.”

So, when will it be hitting our screens?

Sadly, we still have a little bit of time to wait, but the film is expected to receive a theatrical release later this year.

We will be sat when it does!

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