They may have been together over 20 years but Keith Duffy is still an old romantic when it comes to his wife Lisa,
The Boyzone star has been gushing about the mother of his two teenage kids Jay and Mia, saying that “life wouldn’t be the same without her.”
Speaking to the Herald, the 41-year-old opened up on how the pair make their marriage work.
“Marriage is like a friendship, or any relationship or partnership, it’s all about compromise and understanding each other,” he said.
“It’s about trying to accept each other’s faults and failings and also bringing out the best in each other.
“Like anything, it’s not easy – it has to be worked on and a lot of people give up too easily I think, especially when they have kids.”
The singer spoke about how some people “give up too easily” on their marriages, commenting:
“Sometimes people are not meant to be together and they grow apart or whatever and that’s their business.

“I think Irish people still have the understanding of partnership, but certainly in the likes of the States, people have a row on Sunday morning and they’re divorced by Wednesday.
“I had a son very early and it was very important for me to give him a very solid background and a secure upbringing and me and Lisa had to fight through whatever problems we had to stay together to give him that opportunity, and over the years you fall in love again.
He added: “You become partners for life and it’s about a lot more than love and marriage, it’s about friendship and she’s like my right arm, we just do everything together – it wouldn’t be the same without her.”

And he sweetly said that after all these years he still gets excited to see his wife when he gets back from his travels as a popstar.
“If I’m away for a long time, like I was in Asia, I was away for five or six weeks during the summer, it can be hard,” he said at the launch of the Irish Wheelchair Association’s national fundraising campaign, Angels.
“But when I’m coming back through Dublin airport, I still get butterflies in my stomach, I get a little bit excited so that has to stand for something.”