Operation Transformation star Kathryn Thomas has admitted there is one bone of contention in her loved-up relationship with her restaurateur boyfriend Padraig – and surprise, surprise, it’s about food!
The tv presenter has been vocal about her newfound healthy lifestyle in recent years, and she has revealed she disagrees with her beau about the issue of printing calories on a menu.
Speaking to the Herald, she said: “Myself and Padraig have disagreements all the time on calories, and it’s the bane of my life.”
She explained that while she strongly believes people eating out should know how many calories their meal contains, Padraig feels differently.

“While I’m for it, I’m not about scaring the s**t out of people,” she said. “I go out to dinner and I know that, because I’m quite good during the week, I will have a starter, main course, dessert and a bottle of wine.
“I know that’s a large calorie count, so I won’t have a big lunch or I’ll go for a run beforehand – or get up and walk the dog the next day.
“It’s not about terrifying people, but knowing what to put into your body. No one’s telling you not to have a nice night out – it’s about making informed choices.”
She added: “My friends say it takes the entire joy out of the meal, but my take on it is if you know you’ve worked hard beforehand and know that you’re not going to have a big lunch beforehand, then why not?”

The RTE host is usually quite coy about her relationship, but opened up about how Padraig is The One in an interview after Christmas.
“I think for the first time in my life I can see forever with this person and that’s a big, huge step for me, a big mental shift for me, where I would have always been on the run and looking for the next thing and caught up in my own whirlwind,” she told the January issue of Irish Tatler.