

Karen Koster opens up about husband’s retirement and how it brought them closer than ever

Pic: Instagram/Karen Koster

Karen Koster has recently opened up not only about her husband’s retirement but her own move away from presenting, which she admits has brought them closer together.

As we know, Karen made the decision to step away from her full-time presenting role on the Six O’Closk show back in November to be closer to her family.

And the timing really couldn’t have been better, considering her husband, John McGuire had recently made the move to retirement two years previous.

While Karen had initially thought going freelance would be ideal as she’d “be home more for the kids,” it turns out it’s also provided her and John with more quality time together.

Karen Koster Pic: Evan Doherty

Speaking in the Irish Independent, Karen shared: “What’s happening is, because I’m home more in the afternoons, me and John are sneaking off and getting a babysitter in and going to an early movie or for an early bird dinner.

“I thought I was making more time for the kids, but actually it’s made more time for me and John,” she added.

After Karen’s mum suddenly passed two years ago, the presenter gained a new perspective on life.

“I jumped on the Six O’Clock Show like it was a lifeline. But when my kids finished school, I was starting work – I was coming home and putting them to bed.

Karen Koster pictured at The Platinum VIP Style Awards 2024 at The Intercontinental Hotel, Ballsbridge, Dublin.
Picture: Brian McEvoy
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“Mum died, and you look at everything and go, if something happened to me now, would I be OK with the choice I’ve made?” she thought.

When she realised that she wouldn’t be, Karen took a serious look at her life which led her to step back from the Six O’Clock Show.

Previously speaking to VIP Magzine, Karen admitted that although she “loved” her job, she didn’t enjoy getting home late.

“I’m not a spiritual person, particularly – but, I did feel like the universe was telling me to step down. I felt like there was a momentum gathering in me.”

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