Jade Lynch has been the latest housemate to get the boot from the Big Brother house.

She is the eight person to have left the show this year, but knew her time in the house was coming to an end.
“I knew I was going. I could feel it all day. It was my time. There are two main sides to me: the good Jade and the hard one. As I was in there I was soft Jade, but those doors [out] opened, and I was hard” she said while speaking to Emma Willis after the show.
The model said that while she knew she was going to be leaving the show soon, she wasn’t happy about why her friends in the house put her up for eviction in the first place.
“What I wasn’t happy about was the reason they nominated me. I didn’t appreciate Christian piping up about sexual tension between us,” she said.
While in the house Jade received plenty of attention from her fellow male housemates, but one man in particular caught her eye.
Over the past week Jade has been cozying up with the show’s Time Warp housemate, and previous BB winner Brian Belo.

When asked about the possibility of a relationship with Brian outside the house, Jade admitted that she would like something to happen.
She said, “I just think he’s beautiful. You start afresh from your soul when you go inside the house. It just felt right. I hope something will happen on the outside.”