Alannah Beirne has opened up about her future plans now that she has finished Dancing with the Stars.
The model took part in the dance competition this year and was eliminated in week 9.
Speaking exclusively to VIP Magazine Alannah revealed whether she intends to continue into the world of TV.
“I haven’t decided really, I said I’d stick with the modelling for the moment but TV is definitely something I’m open to and I am considering any requests at the moment because there has been a couple of people in touch with presenting and TV bits, so it’s something I’m interested in.
“It’s really fun getting to know the behind the scenes production and seeing how it all works so at least I know what to expect.
“TV is great. The production is really cool so it’s definitely something I would want to do again.”
Before Dancing with the Stars, Alannah competed in Britain’s Next Top Model where she came third in the tough competition.
Speaking about the differences between the two shows, Alannah said: “Dancing with the Stars was a lot more relaxed and also because you’re with a gang of Irish people you all get each other and you get the sarcasm and you have the craic.”
She added: “It’s definitely less stressful, whereas Britain’s Next Top Model was a little more bitchy and the competition was quite fierce. I’m totally laid back and not into that stuff, so for me, I kept focus on what I wanted to do and what I wanted to achieve after the competition. For me, it was about meeting the clients having a good impression was more important for me that looking at the competition.
“In that way, it’s the same as Dancing With The Stars, I met incredible people, from the production team to the hair and makeup people, costume, and everyone involved, you just become friends with everyone. It’s not just the contestants, it’s everyone in it.”
Alannah’s stunning looks and 6-foot-frame helps us understand why she got into modelling but was TV always on the cards too?
“I got a taste for it when I was in BNTM, I really loved everything about it, I had so much fun and when it’s all over you’re on a comedown so if I do something again on TV… and I have to be careful what I get into, but yeah I would do it again.”

The modeling and television industry can be a tough place for people who are trying to make it, and Alannah says a thick skin is crucial for those interested in these areas.
“It’s mentally and physically exhausting, both shows that I did were. When I came off BNTM I just needed a week to relax and chill out, you constantly have cameras in your face, it wasn’t as intense in DWTS, but you have to do a lot of interviews and training so you have to have thick skin and be mentally ready for that.
“I remember someone said to me, if you can get through DWTS you can get through anything, and I think if you can get through BNTM you can definitely get through anything.
“You have to believe that you’re good at what you do and you have to be professional at all times and you never know when your next job is.”
When asked if it’s frustrating that people assume her life is glamorous, she explained: “It’s not glamorous at all, obviously getting pampered and your hair done is great but you have to bring whatever the brief is and make sure you impress the client and do whatever the client wants you to do, so now I’m well able to bend over backwards and do whatever the client may want and I think that’s how you get more jobs and bookings.”