

“It can feel picky at times”: Brian Redmond defends his DWTS scoring

Pic: Kyran O’Brien/kobpix

Brian Redmond can be very stingy with that 10 paddle.

We’ve only seen it once this year as we head into the semi-final.

Jack Woolley and his dance partner Alex Vladimirov received a perfect score and the show’s first over 40 earlier this season.

But Brian tells VIP Magazine that he won’t be giving out 10s willy nilly.

“You have to get picky to find a difference between and that is what leads me to talk about small sections of a dance,” he tells us.

“It can feel picky at times, but that is the nature of where we are with the semi-final next weekend. There is more strength and depth than I have seen in previous seasons.”

Of course Rhys McClenaghan and his pro-partner Laura Nolan have been short on that perfect score as Brian refuses to put up the 10. So will he ever get a 10 from Brian?

“That depends on Rhys,” he says with a smile.

Pic: Kyran O’Brien/kobpix

“He is close. He was close early on with Superman on Movie Week and he was very close on Sunday night, but there was one section where he kicked Laura’s foot a little bit and it was a bit stumbly in that section.

“When it comes to giving 10s, it has to be completely unspoiled and untarnished.”

Well we’re hoping that Rhys and Laura get that perfect score before the show comes to an end in a fortnight!

Dancing with the Stars airs this Sunday at 6:30pm on RTÉ One

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