

Imelda May shocked everyone on the Graham Norton Show!

Now this is definitely one of the most Irish things we've ever heard...

Imelda May 1
Imelda May (far right) on the red couch last night


Imelda May had everyone In stitches over her story about Paris on The Graham Norton Show.

Appearing as a guest last night, the Liberties-born beauty stunned on the infamous red couch  in more ways than one.

Sitting beside Guy Richie, Charlie Hunman, Billie Piper and Jason Manford, Imelda began telling the story of her ill-fated trip to Paris with her family when she was a child.

She's opened up about why she changed her look
Imelda has recently undergone a dramatic transformation

She explained that the May family used to all pile into a small car and “go travelling” each summer, which Imelda admitted was unusual for her area of Dublin. All seven of them used to camp out in a “giant big orange tent” that her father could never assemble quite right, and one night in Paris they chose to pitch their tent somewhere that the authorities were not exactly happy with!

Eiffel tower
Isn’t it the most Irish story you’ve ever heard?!


They woke up the next morning to find Mr. May being held by the French police, and all sorts of commotion. It was only then that they realised that they had pitched their tent under the Eiffel Tower!

Check the clip out for yourself.


That’s a story that definitely will never get old!


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