Xpose presenter Karen Koster has written an adorable blog post about how her date nights with husband John McGuire have changed since becoming parents of two.
Karen and husband John used to enjoy date nights at every opportunity. They would go for spontaneous drinks and dinners in town, as many carefree couples do. However, that all changed with pregnancy.
In a blog post on First 1000 Days, the Xpose star said that while pregnant she lost the urge to go out with John, mainly due to exhaustion. This all changed though when Finn was born, and she was itching for a night on the town.

She wrote, “While I loved loved loved being pregnant, I loved loved loved the couch. And I didn’t get the itch to go out like before. Cut to a year later and I practically had a rash, I was so itchy to get back out.
“So ensued a few early birds with the girls while John babysat (though as mothers know, it’s not babysitting when it’s your own child, okay dads?) and just as I was getting the goo back for G&Ts, mother nature found some spare baby dust and blessed me with another baby.”
Now that some time has past since the birth of baby number two, JJ, the blonde beauty finds herself ready to enjoy a date night again.
This time though, it’s quite different. In fact, what the couple found was that the best part of their date nights nowadays is coming home to their gorgeous boys.

“And while the wine was lovely and the food tasty, what was really delicious was the feeling of being the old us again. Eye contact, conversation and plenty of slagging. Our boys are the loves of our lives, but it was lovely to remember that our family started with just the two of us. And our love.”
This gives us all of the feels!