Hotelier Francis Brennan has revealed that he has regrets about never finding love. The At Your Service star dedicated most of his life to his successful business, and says he never had time for a relationship.
Previously Francis admitted that he was asexual and has “never lusted after anyone in his life,” but now he feels as if he’s missed out on that part of life in a way.
Speaking to the Irish Sun Francis said, “I dedicated myself to the business. If I had a regret, it would be to have had a relationship.
“I’m 42 years in the hotel business, 12 years on TV, I’m doing my third book and I do a travel show. I’m kind of busy — ferociously busy. I’ve never not worked or had time off.

“I met a teacher recently who’s taken a sabbatical and is planning to take two years off to travel the world and ‘do nothing’. I thought, ‘Where did I go wrong?’
“I work morning, noon and night. But that said, if I died tomorrow, I’d have no regrets. I believe in God so I have that on my side too.”
At Your Service airs on RTE One, Sunday at 8:30pm.