Fiona O’Carroll has spoken out against Mrs Brown’s Boys critics noting, “you’re not going to please everyone”.
The Mrs Brown’s Boys actress was quick to jump in and defend the hit show saying: “I honestly believe you need that diversity there. You’re not going to please everybody, nor should you.”
“Not everybody’s going to like what you do, it’s all down to personal taste.”
Fiona is Mrs Brown’s Boys creator, Brendan O’Carroll’s daughter and has starred on the show alongside her father since 2011.
Although the programme was named one of the top tv comedy shows of the 2010s even securing its own movie deal, not everyone is a fan of the BBC and RTÉ series.
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The Irish actress said: “I don’t take it personally, I’m performing as a fictional character in a fictional series aimed to make people laugh. Not everything is funny to everybody so that’s just the way it is.”
Chatting to RSVP she echoed her previous sentiment saying: “If we all liked the same thing, life would be boring. I don’t read into it.”
At the end of the day for Fiona it’s how the fans react that matter to her.
“I enjoy what I do, we all have great fun and that translates on TV and stage. Those that do enjoy and come to our shows have a great time.”
“Laughter is important and definitely a tonic. It’s a form of escapism that people need. If we can keep people laughing, long may we continue.”