Denise McCormack has injured her leg just hours the Dancing With The Stars semi-final.
The Red Rock actress pulled a muscle in her groin in rehearsals in the early hours of this morning while performing to Hozier’s hit track, Take Me To Church.
Speaking to VIP Magazine, Denise said, “When I was doing the dance, I lifted my leg and that’s when it happened. It pulled and I felt it for the rest of the dance.
“The physio said it’s not the end of the world but will pain when I dance. ”
Denise was forced to pull out of rehearsals for the rest of the day, and as it’s only one week to the final, fears it may hinder her performance.
“Yeah I’m worried but I’m going to try block it out.
“The thing about it is, I won’t know how painful it is until I dance.”

She continued, “Usually you have the dress rehearsal to go through things. I didn’t have that. It’s a pain but I’m not going to let it get to me or put me off.
“It’s two minutes and two minutes so it’s not like I have to go out and run a marathon.”
Denise is going to put her absolute all into this performance, and despite her painful injury, has no intentions of changing the routine so late in the day.
“No there’s one lift where it’s all about me putting my leg out, but I’m not going to change it. It’s the semi final.”
Tune into the show at 6.30pm on RTE One.