Daniel O’Donnell is the latest celebrity to be the victim of a nasty scam.
The singer has warned his loyal fans about an account pretending to be him and messaging them.
Unfortunately, it seems that if you got a message from Wee Daniel it probably wasn’t him.
Daniel took to Facebook to warn his fans about the scam.

“Just to remind people not to engage in conversation with this page as it’s a fake account pretending to be a livechat,” he wrote on social media.
He shared a picture of the account that was entitled Daniel O’Donnell Live with the profile picture being that of the official blue tick.
The comments were filled with delighted fans thanking the singer for letting them know.
“Thank you Daniel I knew it was a fake page,” one said.

“Thank you for the warning!” another added.
“We know Daniel doesn’t chat w/us, ever. Where would he find time?” a third wrote.
However, it’s not the first time that he has dealt with people pretending to be him online.
Last year, a fake account under the name Danielfrancis O Donnell was messaging his fans.
“It has been brought to our attention that another page is circulating impersonating Daniel,” a message on his official Facebook page warned.
“The page is adding people as a friend and asking them to email them to a particular email address.
“Please don’t add this page or contact this person.
“This is Daniel’s official Facebook page that you are on and although there are other pages for Daniel fans they are all like pages where they will not ask you to be friends.
“Also Daniel never sends personal messages on his Facebook page. Please just be aware.”