Brendan Gleeson spoke passionately about the vaccine rollout strategy whilst on the Late Late Show this week. The 65-year-old shared that he would be happy to wait longer for his vaccine if it meant that those on essential jobs could get them instead.
The actor, who was a teacher before his years in Hollywood, feels that they should be prioritised as they are back working with the general public.
“I do think teachers should be bumped up the list, I would be prepared to wait, no problem to let the teachers have their stuff first.”
Continuing, he added that more than just nurses and doctors make up the frontlines facing this disease.
“I think they are on the frontline… they should be bumped up the list, and I think people who serve in supermarkets at the tills should be up the list, anybody who is doing essential the stuff in the everyday should be getting it, anybody who has to come in touch with the people and the public.”
“I think people are now starting to realise how essential everybody is.”

Speaking on the St Patrick’s Day special of the show, Brendan also spoke about how difficult it is, especially during a national holiday to stick to the guidelines, but he encouraged the pubic to stay strong.
“I feel if we can hang in for another couple of months, things will change utterly as they say.”
“In terms of mental health, if people can continue with small kindnesses in as much as they can or remember to ring somebody who might need it and not slam the phone down on somebody who rings…that is what is will get us through it.”