Comedian Pamela Joyce has revealed why she thinks women shy away from being properly diagnosed when it comes to discussing intimate health.
She believes we’re an incredibly private nation, and despite feeling embarrassed at the thoughts of opening up about these issues, it’s something which really needs to be done.
“I think they’re just afraid to go to a doctor. Women are just too embarrassed about it, well men might be as well but women are very, very embarrassed about it” Pamela told VIP.
“It’s embarrassing to go to the doctor you kind of just want to say ok I’ll look it up on google and see what comes up and hope for the best.
“But, we need to start talking about it, the whole point of this [campaign] is to encourage the conversation and just say look, we all have to deal with it at some point so look at the light and funny side and get women to be able to feel open and talk about it.”
“It happens to all of us, we all have these things that happen that are not to be embarrassed about.”
Pamela is speaking about her role in the BeV Confident campaign, which is designed to discuss the topic of confidence among women, lift the taboo surrounding women’s health, and educate women about common conditions like bacterial vaginosis and thrush.