According to Vogue Williams, herself and Brian McFadden are doing their best to remain good friends.
The 29-year-old dismissed rumours that the pair have reconciled their relationship, but admitted that they are still sharing a flat until she finds a place of her own.
“I still live with Brian while I look for somewhere else in London”, the multi-talented model said.
Writing in her column for The Sunday World, the Howth beauty addressed the fact that Brian was still posting photos of her on his social media.
“I saw online that people were surprised that Brian put a picture of me on his Instagram”, she said.
“I suppose it does look odd, even my sister found it strange, but to be honest we are doing our very best to stay friends.”
While the rumour mill goes into overdrive, the most important thing for the separated pair is maintaining a friendly relationship.
“It’s not easy all the time and I’m sure it will be hard, but I honestly just want to make sure we can at least salvage a friendship,” she said.

And when it comes to the custody battle over their shared pooch, the amicable exes will split their time with him equally.
“Brian has been one of my best friends and I would love to have a lifelong friendship with him….While I’m on the topic, Brian and I will be sharing our dog Winston, who we’ve had for three years,” said Vogue.