Vogue Williams has defended some Irish traditions to her husband Spencer Matthews, after he confessed to thinking Irish butter isn’t the best in the world.
On this week’s episode of their podcast, Spencer and Vogue, the couple discussed what “Irish people aren’t ready to hear”. Spencer was quick to share his appreciation for for some aspects of Irish life. Explaining he agreed with thanking the bus driver when your journey is over. With Vogue saying: “In Ireland, you have to thank the bus driver. They’re doing you a favour, they’re giving you a lift.”
The Made In Chelsea star is also a fan of the Irish goodbye, with Vogue explaining: “Irish goodbye. You’ll never feel better then when you just ditch people. The next day, you wake up and you’re grand and they’re like, ‘Ugh we got in at 3am’. It’s the best thing.”
And Spencer whole-heartedly agreeing: “It’s absolutely not rude. Saying goodbye is actually incredibly self-indulgent. Nobody cares if you’re leaving a party. Just leave.”
But it wasn’t all smooth sailing as Spencer also confessed some of his dislikes.

You won’t find the businessman praying to St. Anthony to help find a lost item, any time soon.
As he claimed: “Praying to St Anthony does nothing. He doesn’t exist.”
But Vogue was quick to defend the practice, replying: “I’m sorry. Absolutely disagree. If I hadn’t of said that prayer to St Anthony, this phone would not be in my hands. Thank you, St Anthony.”
But what really brought the couple to blows, was their difference in opinion over Irish butter. With Spencer saying: “Irish butter is not the only butter out there.”

But Vogue had to disagree: ““Okay, this is where I have to strongly disagree with that point.”
“I’m not saying there are no other butters out there – of course, there are – but if you ever see Irish butter, it’s more yellow than any other butter because the cows eat the green grass in Ireland and it’s more delicious.”
But Spencer hit back with: ““Like the grass is a different colour elsewhere. ‘The Irish cows eat the green grass in Ireland’. Grass is green everywhere.”
The model replied: “Spenny, that is one of them that I’m not giving away. Irish butter is the best butter of all the butters. Let’s agree to disagree. You can bring your own butter to Ireland, because you’re not eating our butter anymore.”
The couple also rubbished claims Spencer was an “Irish basher”, after a listener send them a message claiming he was.
With Spencer simply saying: “All my kids are Irish,”