Vogue Williams has admitted she lied about her leaving cert results to her parents, as she was too scared of their reaction if she told them the truth.
New RTE documentary ‘Vogue Does…Straight A’s will see Brian McFadden’s model wife repeat the exams she took as a teen, something she is very keen on doing “not having done so well” the first time around.
Vogue [29] revealed that she lied to her mother about the 300 points she got when she sat the exams.
Fearing her mother’s response if she were to find out her true results, she exaggerated what she achieved by telling her she got “360, or 340, something like that.”
“Obviously I thought I was going to do amazing because I applied to Trinity to do Law and DCU too,” Vogue added. “I really thought I was smart.”

TheSpin 1038 DJ also admitted that she was always getting in trouble in school: “I got [detention] quite a bit. I loved school, I loved all my friends – but I was a messer and I got in trouble quite a lot.
“I’d say the teachers were definitely happy to see the back of me.”
Hoping to do better than her first try, Vogue will be televised sitting all her exams again in an attempt to give insight into Ireland’s most significant and pressurized exam.
Having already sat her Irish oral, she refuses to give away any details on how it went apart from the comment; “I did better than the first time around.”