

Tommy Tiernan reveals sleep apnea diagnosis

Pic: RTE

Tommy Tiernan revealed on his podcast today that he has been diagnosed with sleep apnea after a stint in hospital last week.

Tommy opeed up on The Tommy, Hector and Laurita podcast that he had been waking up really tired and unable to breathe properly. Deciding to see someone about this, he ended up heading to the hospital to see a sleep specialist.

Continuing on he revealed he was put through a number of different sleep tests while being hooked up to large machines that would help monitor his sleep tendencies over the course of a number of days.

He said: “I had to get this sleep apnea thing checked out. The question was do I or do I not have sleep apnea because sleep apnea is not just snoring, sleep apnea is where your body isn’t getting enough oxygen”.

Tommy Tiernan

He explained how the machines were activated at 10pm to monitor his sleep throughout the night. He had 8 wires stuck to his head to monitor his brain activity aswell as 3 more weighted wires strapped to his chest.

He added: “They put the stuff on me early so I could get used to it so by the time the evening came around, I’d be used to it and be able to fall asleep”.

After a full night of monitoring the comedian was officially diagnosed with sleep apnea a condition the HSE acknowledges as when the walls of the throat relax and narrow during sleep, causing breathing difficulties for some.

Tommy has been given a CPAP maching to use while he sleeps, to help provide his body with the oxygen he needs throughout the night.

He says: “You wear a mask and a strap across your head. It doesn’t look great. It forces oxygen into your body and your man told me that it’s a bit uncomfortable for the first few days but you get used to it”.

We’re wishing you all the best Tommy as you navigate this life adjustment

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