Week six was one for the books, with all of our celebrities taking part in an emotional tribute week. While we didn’t see anyone head home, we did see one couple dance their way to the top and receive immunity ahead of the first dance-off of the season, next weekend.
The show opened tonight with a high-intensity performance by all of the pro-dancers to George Ezra’s Green Green Grass. Dressed in dazzling cowboy boots and bright outfits they danced their way across our screens – a completely infectious moment for everyone in studio and at home.
Rory and his partner Denys wowed the judges and the voters at home with their moving performance in tribute to Professor Fiona Mulcahy, one of the first doctors who treated him when he was diagnosed as HIV positive in 1996. Thanks to the judges’ scores and the public vote, Rory and Denys have now received immunity ahead of next week’s dance off.
Carl Mullan and Emily Barker

Carl and Emily opened the show with a high-intensity jive dedicated to Carl’s son Daibhí which garnered them a fabulous 23 points.
Damian McGinty and Kylee Vincent

The Glee star danced an emotional contemporary ballroom routine dedicated to McGinty’s Glee castmates who tragically passed away They received a well-deserved 27 points and Arthur shouted: “J’adore! J’adore!”
Suzanne Jackson and Michael Danilczuck

It’s no surprise that Suzanne brought a vibrant cha-cha to the stage to honour her parents who celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary this year. The pair were given a total of 23 points.
Shane Byrne and Karen Byrne

The rugby star took to the stage dancing a graceful Viennese waltz to We are the Champions in honour of his former rugby teammate and friend Anthony ‘Axel’ Foley. The pair scored a fabulous 23 points.
Kevin McGahern and Laura Nolan

This pair rocked out to Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’. Kevin and Laura scored their highest yet with 24 points paying tribute to Kevin’s little girl, Wallis.
Brooke Scullion and Robert Rowinski

The fan-favourite paid tribute to Brooke’s mother with a gorgeous Viennese Waltz to Kelly Clarkson’s Breakaway garnering them a total of 25 points.
Stephanie Roche and Ervinas Merfeldas

Stephanie dedicated their powerful Contemporary Ballroom to her teammates on the Irish womens soccer team, dancing to Rachel Platten’s Fight Song grabbed them 23 points.
Rory O’Neill and Denys Samson

Tonight Rory O’Neill took to the stage minus his alter ego, performing an incredibly moving Paso Doble to the Pet Shop Boy’s It’s a Sin. The pair’s incredible performance found them being awarded the first 10’s of the season resulting in the top performance of the night with 29 points