We’ve all done it, set certain goals or milestones for ourselves, and then felt rather disappointed when they weren’t met. No matter how big or small. These days, social media can have a big part to play in that.
Ahead of her 30th birthday, Roz Purcell has shared an important message about the “fear and shame” she felt, as she hadn’t met certain milestones she set for her 30th.
“Growing up I always attached milestones to an age,” she admitted, “My life & happiness to numbers.”
“As I approach 30 I realise how 1. I attached success to these events 2. How society effected [sic] my idea of age. The fear to not have settled down by a certain age, the shame of not owning a home or doing all these things before 30.”

“We all need to start normalising doing things at different times- getting married in your 40s, changing career in your 30s owning a house finally in your 50s or never!”
“Not feeling like you always need to fit into the same pair of jeans from your early 20s. Realising not all these things are going to happen in the order you previously thought or may not even happen and that’s ok they don’t define a happy life,”
Roz continued, “I hadn’t really thought much about turning 30 next month- but everyone’s like ‘how do you feel about it, eh?’”
“Younger me may have seen it as a failure but I’ve had some hell of a ride so far without any of these things happen, maybe they will maybe they won’t but I won’t attach them to a number that’s for sure.”
Roz then added, “Also do not feel ready for any of these”, referring to the sign she held up in the photo.