Christmas time really is the best time of the year!
And of course, it comes with some of the best memories.
We here at VIP HQ have plenty of gorgeous Christmas moments. We’ve picked some of our favourite memories to share!
Head of Digital Jade…

My favourite memory is when it snowed on Christmas day and we were stranded in the gaff but then my grandad came and picked us up and saved the day. We had a lovely evening of food and wholesomeness.
Staff Writer Anja…

Christmas is by far my favourite time of year, and while it’s lovely to both receive and give presents my favourite thing about that period is being reunited with my family! Especially on Christmas Eve. We have a tradition in our house, where we all attend Christmas Eve Mass and whoever is in town be it, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents all come over to our house afterwards for a festive get-together. Every year is different as we never know who’s going to be home, but I just love it. So that would 100 per cent be my favourite Christmas memory – year in, year out!
Digital Editor Bronwyn…

Christmas well and truly is the best time of year. I have so many memories including my little brother’s first Christmas as well as my little sister’s (and how cute they were when they saw their Santa presents). I also love me and my mam’s Christmas tradition of watching Love Actually together on Christmas Eve. But I think my favourite Christmas memory has to be from when I was a little girl. I was at mass on Christmas Eve (wearing my Christmas best) and the priest got a phone call from Santie asking him to hurry on with the mass as the children all needed to get to bed so they’d be asleep when he came! It was definitely a magical moment!