Spencer Matthews has been in Ireland promoting his alcohol-free spirits brand Clean Co. recently, the former Made In Chelsea star is no stranger to the country as he is married to Irish presenter Vogue Williams and owns a house in Howth where the family often visits when not in their London or Jersey properties.
Speaking on Ireland AM, Spencer addressed whether he’d be open to moving over here full time, something Vogue often expresses she would love to do, even saying she would like to have her children in school in Ireland on an episode of their podcast.
Spencer said, “We’ve got a place up the hill in Howth, which is absolutely beautiful, we come when we can. We’re never going to close the door on that possibility…

“I think where we are currently, with our careers, it probably makes more sense to be in London right now. But the door will never be shut.”
That’s definitely not a no!
The couple are expecting baby number three very soon and have recently revealed that they have already chosen a baby name for their unborn child.
Talking about it on Instagram, she said, “We [found] out the gender as soon as possible to choose the name and so I can get all the suction bagged baby clothes back out!”

She also shared that lots of people have been asking her when her due date is, revealing that she’d rather not share the exact date but that she is in her third trimester of pregnancy.
Whilst answering questions from her followers, another person asked her how many kids she’d like in total. In the past Vogue has always said she wanted to have a large family, but recently has shared that she’s not so sure about that anymore!
The Howth native responded; “I always said 4 but I would be very happy with 3! The house is madness all the time which thankfully we love! I do find myself storing GiGi’s old clothes so I guess I don’t know but we shall see!”