Wes and I have always co-parented
yet I’ve always been the default parent because he runs his own business and is in town everyday. I’m the one who’s been a
bit more flexible and really, for the last four years, it’s been intense and I have put my career on hold to a huge extent. I’ve done what I could do, mainly on social media, but a lot of the stuff I used to do abroad with
my management group in Europe was put on hold and, I couldn’t really travel. I just thought now this is a chance while I have a support system at home. And yes it will take more time away from the children – certainly at weekends – but it’s only for a short time,
a month or two or however long I last [laughs], it could be a few weeks only! But it’s something I can focus on that is a little outside the baby bubble I’ve been in and it’s something that ticks all boxes for me.