

Quickshots with Julian Benson

Pic: Brian McEvoy

It was a privilege to get to chat with the one and only Julian Benson.

The talent agent and choreographer is just brilliant craic!

Julian, it must mean the world to you to open a dedicated facility in Dublin for the families of cystic fibrosis patients?

Opening Tranquillity House means everything to me. To know that CF families from all over Ireland will now have a place to rest, relax and recuperate when their loved ones are in hospital is very special. This is a historic moment for the CF community in Ireland. We still need to keep raising funds to cover the running costs of the house so I am hoping the people of Ireland can help us with that!

How is your own health today?

Thank God my health is in a great place. As I always say, stay fit, stay fresh and stay focused! I have a deep value for life in the here and now. We never know what is around the corner so I am an big believer in following your dreams! Don’t dream it! Do it!

Are you good at minding yourself?

I do my best to keep as fit as I can. All my life I have been driven, and with a dance background I would be quite disciplined. I like to dance around my kitchen for my cardio – it makes it fun whilst staying fit. Healthy body! Healthy mind!

Pic: Brian McEvoy

What are you watching on telly right now?

A range of documentaries on Netflix. I also love anything from Disney.

What have you learned over the last few years?

That time is the most precious commodity, and that I am blessed to have a core group of amazing friends who have always been there for me. They are my extended family who I love dearly.

What scares you?

I try not focus on the “what if”? and keep my head focused on the “how can we?” A positive mental attitude is everything, even in tough times.

What are you reading?

A great film script Strangers written by talented Irish writer and film maker Sean Treacy.

What’s your favourite thing to cook?

A nice roast chicken, carrots, roast potatoes and gravy. I also love bacon, cabbage and floury potatoes, sometimes the oldies are the goodies!

Julian and his mam

What’s your ideal date?

A romantic candlelit dinner for two in a quiet hideaway with someone who makes me laugh, is engaging and who has kind, honest eyes.

Where’s your favourite place in the world?

Florence in Italy would be high on the list, but I also have a soft spot for Downings in Donegal. I love the beautiful coves and rugged scenery – you really can’t beat Ireland especially when the sun is shining!

What’s your most treasured possession?

A watch my mum bought me for my 30th birthday – I wear it everyday. I also treasure a special collection of cards and letters that she gave me over the years. They were full of love and inspiration.

What’s your standout childhood memory?

My standout childhood memory was the day my first ever script arrived in the post from RTÉ Radio, I was 12! I was so excited as this was the beginning of my professional showbiz career. Another standout moment was receiving a letter in the post from legendary Irish actress Rosaleen Linehan. I had written to her as a young boy looking for advice after seeing her perform the lead role in Gypsy at The Gaiety Theatre, Dublin.

Who’s made the biggest impact on your life?

My mum. She was a beautiful woman who always believed in the power of positivity. She gave me the strength and courage to become the man I am today. She was my rock and not a day goes by that I don’t talk to her. She is always guiding me.

What are your hopes for the future?

To continue my fundraising mission for Tranquillity House and to look after as many CF families as I possible can.

You can donate to the charity to help with the running costs via jbcff.com for a one off donation, or sign up for just €8 per month.

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